Friday, January 22, 2010

I love rain!

Growing up in L.A. County probably has something to do with it. We get rain so seldom that when it does come, it's usually the lead story on local news. I've seen strangers greet each other with, "Isn't this rain great?"

So I'm really lovin' this week. El Niño has kicked in and it's been raining hard since Monday. I keep leaving my basement lab to walk up to the first floor and look out the windows, just to enjoy the fact that there is actual water, falling from the sky!

More than that, whenever it rains I almost feel like... God is doing me a favor. Like He knows how much I love it and sent it specially for me. :)

My folder of favorite desktop pictures includes all of these. No lie.


Heather said...

Funny how things affect people differently. I absolutely hate rain. It affects my mood significantly. I get all depressed and can't wait for the sun to shine again. This last week has been miserable for me and I'm anxious for these storms to be over. I know we need the water, but I can't stand the process that delivers it. It's cold and wet outside, I can't walk my dog, it endangers the burn areas, it leads to much longer commutes, and it hides the sun. I'm definitely of the "rain, rain, go away" camp. I'm glad someone's enjoying it! :) Check back in with me in the heat of the summer when I'm a happy camper!

R.A. said...

Ah, Rachel, we speak the same language. Though I wonder how we would feel about rain if we lived in Seattle?

Father Schnippel said...


Come to Ohio, we can't seem to get rid of that moist stuff falling from the sky right now.

Fr. S.

Pam H. said...

In Houston, it rains pretty often (24 inches a year comes to mind; wonder if it's correct?) and I still love the rain. There is something about a pending storm, that seems to bring on anxiety and sometimes depression (wonder if barometric pressure affects some folks psychologically). But when it breaks, all that goes away and it's great!

Glad you all got some (2 inches in 3 days, was it? I've a friend who's a missionary in Tijuana, so I keep tabs on weather in S. Calif). I hope the folks in Tijuana were able to collect a lot of it - they've no public water system!

What lovely pictures! Truly!

Anonymous said...

I particularly love the picture of the rain gutter. The perspective is perfect. A beautiful rural scene, the rain coming down - and in the foreground the perfect blending of nature and human ingenuity. The rain sliding off the roof into the rain gutter - the rain and the gutter working together in perfect harmony. Unlike at my house - you see we painted the house last summer - not a cloud in sight - and replaced all the fascia boards and discarded the broken rain gutters - then well... I procrastinated - not a cloud in sight, mind you - and then money got tight and - still not a cloud in the rain gutter picture will be my new desktop background to remind me what life could be like...
Gary Page

Rachel said...

And here I thought posting on the weather would bore everyone! Heathre, it is interesting that one person hates rain and another loves it. I wonder if you can correlate that with any other personality traits, something like "introverts like rain and extroverts like sun"? I'm not saying that's the case, just wondering what trends we'd see if we took an exhaustive survey. Rachel, I've thought of moving someplace rainy (Virginia?) to find out the answer to that very question. Or maybe Ohio, since Fr. Schnippel kindly offers it. :) Pam offers evidence that we might love it even if we got a lot of it. Pam, I'm not sure how many inches we've gotten in SoCal this week, but I'd like to know! Gary, I had no idea at first where your comment was going and I laughed when I realized. It seems you more readily wax lyrical about gutters than actually install them... A man after my own heart.

Alpha Otter said...

Oooh great pics! I'm from the Santa Barbara area and we've been getting the same wonderful downpours. I'm also an avid enjoyer of all things rain: the smell, the sight, the cold plop on the skin, and the pitter patter on the roof. Also love the way it cleans off the sky and makes the blueness even bluer after the rain clouds have scraped all the dirt off of the heavens. Lovely.
-Kevin Ott,

Rachel said...

L.A. is never so beautiful as right after a rain-- the only time the smog is completely gone. And the smell of rain! I've heard it's ozone. But if it's the first rain in a long time there's also the smell of accumulated dust getting wet-- I really like that.

Rae said...

These are so beautiful! I am usually much happier when it is sunny, but rain does have its own beauty.