It was tasty Jello, especially the white part, and very firm (maybe that's the Mexican style?) The cross says "Dios es amor" (God is love). We gave the praying hands to the priest among us-- consecrated hands and all. :) This cross supposedly serves 25 people, but six of us nearly polished off the whole thing in one sitting.
It occurred to me as I was preparing to post this that I actually do a lot of photographing and then eating Catholic desserts. You wouldn't expect that would fill out its own category, but I think I have enough of them to make a blog tag! Heck, maybe that can be my blog theme, since I clearly don't have one. "Catholic Desserts." See how neatly it combines two great loves of mine? :)
Nah, I'll stick with Infused Knowledge. Story time! I got this from Reader's Digest, I think. A white family wrote in to say they were raising their kids in the San Diego area and teaching them the proper Spanish pronunciations of the various place names. La Jolla isn't "la JOLLa", it's "la HOYa", and so on. One day in a restaurant one of the younger kids was looking at a menu and asked, "Mom, what's hey-o?" Turned out that for the first time in his life, he was seeing the word Jello.
Turnabout is fair play: I heard of some Mexican-American kids who asked their parents what the English word for "ice cream" is. :)
ice would be "hielo"
cream would be " crema".
I doubt "crema de hielo" would be understood as ice cream.
I was in El Salvador and it took a few puzzled looks on my behalf to comprehend that "sorbete" is another word they use for ice cream. Although I now know that depending on the country you are in the translations may vary. For example "guapo" which means handsome can also mean "angry" if you happen to be in the Dominican Republic. And of course, the latter part has no connection to ice cream -- unless you were to use it in a sentence: El muchacho se puso guapo cuando se le cayo su sorbete.
The boy got angry when they took his ice cream?
I'm totally guessing there... I tried to Babelfish it but all I got was "The boy put lady's man when him key his sherbet."
That's really off.
The translation is " The boy became angry when he dropped his ice cream."
You can put all the decorations you want on it but is still jello (which is a word not recognized by spell check here).
You probably shouldn't change the name of the blog. Catherine of Siena is in my saints hall of fame and she had infused knowledge - so I like that. But perhaps you could have a patron saint.... how about St. Anthony of the Dessert?
The jello dessert looks good and I hope you follow up with other religious desserts. I'll get to an internet cafe on the FOB every now and then to check Infused Knowledge.
(Even WILSON updates more frequently than you do. ;-) )
I miss your blog updates!! (-:
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