Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Yosemite wedding

Last Saturday in the amphitheater on Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park, right across from Half Dome, my cousin Greg married his sweetheart Amy. I don't have pictures yet so here's someone else's wedding in the same place-- Greg's looked a lot like this. The scenery's almost unreal, isn't it?

Observations from the wedding:

1) Tourists! As soon as the wedding party started shaping up, strangers who happened to be visiting Glacier Point gathered behind the amphitheater, and we saw them taking pictures as the ceremony proceeded. One man actually videotaped most of it. There were only about twenty-five guests, so rubberneckers really boosted the number of people watching. :)

2) My two brothers are really handsome. They were both groomsmen, and wow, a tux does a lot for a man. It also helped that they had Gentleman Mode turned on for the occasion and were behaving very chivalrously. Perhaps that's one reason women like Jane Austen movies: the men dress and act like they're in a wedding party all the time.

3) Greg is an inveterate photographer, and we had been laughing about how frustrating it would be for him not to be able to photograph his own wedding, in such a great location too. Should've given him more credit. He had his fancy big camera in his hand while his bride was walking down the aisle, and got the shot.

4) My Great-uncle Dean, the retired missionary doctor mentioned in June 8 post below, performed the ceremony. He's about 87 and his wife is 91, and they flew out from the east coast for the wedding. It's cool to have a preacher in the family.

5) There was much Scripture reading at the service. A bridesmaid read some verses, followed by a groomsman with more verses, followed by the mother of the bride with more verses. (They had to do with God's faithfulness and love, and His grandeur revealed in nature.) Finally my Aunt Becky, mother of the groom, stood up with her worn family Bible and read the Scripture passages that she had chosen. "And I'd just like to close with one more verse," she finished. "It's from the book of Genesis, and it says, 'Be fruitful and multiply.'"

That brought the house down. :)

1 comment:

R.A. said...

Point number 2 about Jane Austin is hilarious...and duly noted.