I used a box of Trader Joe's vanilla bean cake mix, which is plenty good without frosting, but even better with. :) For the first time in my life I attempted a layer cake, and I think it came out pretty well. I had to level off the rounded top of each layer to stack them neatly, but that's normal.
Here it is cut open. Mmmmm.... :) I think I might have liked it even better with vanilla buttercream frosting, but you can't really go wrong with chocolate....
Of course it was the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul yesterday, or it would have been if Sunday hadn't superseded it, so Christie and I watched a very good French movie from the 1940's, Monsieur Vincent. I think that qualifies the cake for my Catholic desserts category, don't you? If you say no you'll be banned from my blog latae sententiae.
Now that I'm a layer cake expert, I could make this if I wanted to. I just don't feel like it. :)
A quote:
"Here's what I made yesterday and enjoyed with a friend:"
I see in one picture that you had already taken your piece. Did Christie get the rest? You didn't leave any for Mr or Mrs Aroo? wahhhhhh!
What you see on the plate was my piece, naturally. I see I shall have to make more sometime for the Arooes; that really won't take much arm-twisting...
And only for the Arooes??? What about the rest of your hungry readers???
Let them eat cake! :)
BTW, if you put the first round top up-side-down on the plate and the second round top right side up (flat sides of the layers together) then you usually come out with an even stack with a nice rounded top without having to level them off--for next time :-) (of course those leveled off bits do make a nice snack--or should I say taste test--don't they?)
I think you need to do some penance after that.
Rachel, you're learning too much Catholicism for my own comfort...
Linda, my cakes baked up very round on top, so much that when I flipped them out of the pans and left them upside down, they started to crack open from the pressure. I didn't dare leave them round-side down after that, but if they hadn't been so hilly I think your tip would've worked nicely. But you're right; the leveled-off bits make nice snacks. :)
I want some.
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