Friday, October 22, 2010

Au revoir!


Lucia said...

you probably won't see this, but if you do, know that I'm praying for you, and thank you for saying yes to God's call! pray that I can do the same in the years to come!

R.A. said...

I know you're gone already, but I miss you! God bless. You're in my prayers!

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Prayers here!

Athanasis Contra Mundum said...

I know you probably won't see this, but God bless you. I'll pray for you.

Mary Rose said...

Ah, Rachel. I missed this! But I wanted to add that I am so happy for you. You are following God's call upon your life and nothing, nothing makes a person feel more complete and content. I pray that you will fall deeper and deeper in love with your heavenly Spouse and be a channel of His love and grace to the world. God bless you. :-)

Vincenzo said...

Your blog's back!