Her: "There are two other postulants there who just graduated from high school, so I'm glad I won't be the only 18-year-old."
Me: "That's nice. They have a lot of young sisters in Nashville. Supposedly their age range for entry is 18-30 years old, but they let me visit when I was older. Actually the Adorers' limit is 30, but they're still letting me enter."
Her: "Yeah, one of the girls in our postulant class is 34."
Me: "Well, speaking as a 32-year-old, I'm grateful that these orders with low age cutoffs are willing to bend their limits. I'll bet the 34-year-old is happy about it."
Her: "Yeah, she'll be like a mother to us!"
(On reflection I realized it was a very sweet thing to say, implying love, respect, and emulation. But it sure made me realize I'm not eighteen anymore!)
Oh boy Rachel! I know how that feels =( but I am determined to be young at heart forever and ever..
30-year old Dinora.
Amen, Dinora. :)
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