Thursday, September 23, 2010

French numbers...

...are fine till you get to seventy:

68 sixty-eight
69 sixty-nine
70 sixty-ten
71 sixty-eleven
72 sixty-twelve
76 sixty-sixteen
77 sixty-ten-seven
78 sixty ten-eight
79 sixty-ten-nine
80 four-twenties
81 four-twenty-one
82 four-twenty-two
83 four-twenty-three
88 four-twenty-eight
89 four-twenty-nine
90 four-twenty-ten
91 four-twenty-eleven
98 four-twenty-ten-eight
99 four-twenty-ten-nine

Here's a great site for learning them.  It has a nice quiz here-- click "new number", try to say it, then hit play and hear the French speaker say it.

Also I love that Google translate will speak a French phrase (and its English translation) for you.  The French pronunciation seems to match my tapes well.


Lee Gilbert said...

This reminds of something I read in a book about learning languages: know the alphabet cold.

This is literally the abc's of learning a language, but I must confess that after thirty years of trying to get Italian through my noggin, I am not absolutely confident of the alphabet.

It would be important in any language, but French orthography is so imaginative and thinly tethered to the sound of the language that I would imagine there are many occasions when you would ask, "How do you spell that?" or "How do you write that?" but won't if you are apprehensive about comprehending the answer.

So far I have kept my resolution to stay away from French, and you would think that would prevent me from opening my mouth about how to learn it, but no...

Rachel said...

I think knowing the alphabet well is a *great* idea. As it is, I very often run to the internet to look up the spelling of some of the words on my French tapes. "Imaginative" and "thinly tethered", indeed!